ECUA Sewer Averaging Begins Today. Here’s What That Means For Your Bill.

November 15, 2021

The Emerald Coast Utility Authority’s sewer averaging period begins today.

If you are an ECUA mainland residential wastewater customer, your annual sewer charges are based on the average number of gallons of water used in your household during the period.

ECUA’s sewer averaging period begins with each residential customer’s first meter reading on or after November 15 (including ECUA sewer customers whose water service is received from another water provider). The length of the sewer averaging period is 90 day. If you have a separate irrigation meter, the water used through the irrigation meter is not included in the sewer averaging calculation.

“Since your actual water consumption during this period will determine your sewer charge for the next twelve months, it is important to check all indoor and outdoor plumbing fixtures for leaks. Water wasted due to leaks will affect your monthly water and sewer charges. Most leaks are easy to identify but sometimes, it takes a little creativity to track them down,” ECUA said.

Here are some quick tips to reduce water usage now, and save all year on ECUA sewer charges:


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Written by William Reynolds · Filed Under News